April Holidays

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April is the time for welcoming Spring, the time for Easter, too, but also time to celebrate these holidays, if you're so inclined...

April is National Anxiety Month & National Humor Month

April 1 - April Fool's Day & One Cent Day

April 2 - National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

April 3 - Tweed Day & Don't Go To Work Unless It's Fun Day

April 4 - Tell-A-Lie Day

April 5 - Go For Broke Day

April 6 - Sorry Charlie Day

April 7 - No Housework Day

April 8 - All Is Ours Day

April 9 - Winston Churchill Day & Name Yourself Day (isn't that kind of like National "Joe" Day from March?)

April 10 - Golfers Day

April 11 - Eight-Track Tape Day (are there still any of these around?! If there are, what would you play them on??)

April 12 - Look Up At The Sky Day

April 13 - Blame Somebody Else Day (very useful)

April 14 - National Pecan Day (didn't we have that in March?)

April 15 - Rubber Eraser Day (huh?)

April 16 - National Stress Awareness Day & National Eggs Benedict Day

April 17 - National Cheeseball Day

April 18 - International Jugglers Day

April 19 - Garlic Day

April 20 - Easter & Look Alike Day

April 21 - Kindergarten Day

April 22 - National Jelly Bean Day (shouldn't this be on the same day as Easter?)

April 23 - Read Me Day, World Laboratory Animal Day & Isabella Day (okay, this last one is not actually a holiday; it's my daughter's birthday, but since I do this site, I can put it on here!!!)

April 24 - National Pigs In A Blanket Day

April 25 - National Zucchini Bread Day

April 26 - Richter Scale Day & National Pretzel Day

April 27 - Tell A Story Day

April 28 - Great Poetry Reading Day & Kiss-Your-Mate Day (good thing this isn't on the same day as Garlic Day!)

April 29 is - National Shrimp Scampi Day

April 30 - National Honesty Day