- You consider McDonald's "real food."
- You actually like doing laundry at home.
- 4:00 AM is still early on the weekends.
- It starts getting late on the weeknights.
- Two miles is not too far to walk for a party.
- You wear dirty socks three times in a row and think nothing of it.
- You'd rather clean than study.
- Computer Solitaire is more than a game it's, a way of life.
- You schedule your classes around sleep habits and soaps.
- You go to sleep when it's light and get up when it's dark.
- You live for getting mail (E-mail included).
- Looking out the window is a form of entertainment.
- Prank phone calls become funny again.
- It feels weird to take a shower without shoes on.
- World War III could take place and you'd be clueless.
- You start thinking and sounding like your roommate.
- Blacklights and highlighters are the coolest things on earth.
- Rearranging your room is your favorite pastime.
- You find out milk crates have so many uses.
- Wal-mart is the coolest store.
- The weekend lasts from Thursday to Sunday, (or Wednesday morning to Tuesday).
- You are sitting around making lists about how you know you've been in college too long.